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Individual Therapy

"At any given moment you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end."


Why Should I See A Therapist?

People enter therapy for many reasons, from anxiety, stress, or depression to trauma and bereavement. Still others are curious to discover more about themselves and keen to enrich their relationships and inner lives. Whatever your circumstances, therapy can be the first step in an empowering journey of self-awareness and transformational change.


Working with your therapist, you will engage in a supportive, collaborative process that will allow you to explore your experiences, behaviors, and beliefs. With the benefit of fresh insight, you will identify blind spots and patterns which are holding you back from health and happiness and gain the strength and strategies needed to overcome them.

As you grow in wisdom and resilience and learn to discard the unhelpful responses you may have developed, you can move forward equipped with new and more successful tools for attaining lasting well-being.

Therapy is a proven treatment that has been shown to be as effective as medication but with the benefit of longer lasting results. Many people find that it provides relief from distress in a relatively short period of time; however, therapy is a dynamic process of personal growth and development and its duration, just as much as its content, will be different for every client.

Tueller Counseling

We are dedicated to assisting individuals and families in overcoming struggles, increasing independence, and building positive relationships. At Tueller Counseling, competent professionals work together in providing guidance, support, and skills training to clients to ensure recovery and resiliency. These services enable individuals and families to build and sustain productive, meaningful, and happy lives.
(208) 524-7400